Drahthaar Foxterrier Welpen

Foxterrier Puppies

Bild: Logo des VDH Bild: Logo des FCI

65 years Breeding Experience

Glatthaar Foxterrier Welpen
Right now we have the following Fox Terrier Puppies available: www.bismarckquelle.de.

Bild: Glatthaar-Foxterrier Rübe von der Bismarckquelle

Our puppies are raised in our modern and especially for the needs of our dogs built kennel at our farm house in Dülmen.

Bild: Zwinger v.d. Bismarckquelle Bild: Zwinger v.d. Bismarckquelle

Bild: Kind mit Foxterrier-Welpen
Breeding responsible and systematically for almost 60 years has made our dogs well known all over the world. They are successful at dog shows and hunting trials. As pets they are robust, easy to handle and are known for their friendly temperament, soundness and appealing phenotype.

Our puppies – several times dewormed and vaccinated – rarely go to their new homes before the age of 12 weeks, because at this age they finally have a complete protection by vaccination. Since we have enough room and possibilities they can enjoy extra time with the mother and brothers and sisters, which is very important for their social behaviour.

Picture: Mother and Child The medical care is guaranteed by our daughter, Dr. Carola Möhrke, practical veterinarian with own practice.

If you are interested or have further questions please call us under +49-(0)2594-82033.

Fox Terrier-Kennel "von der Bismarckquelle", Axel Möhrke, Home: www.foxterrier-bismarckquelle.de